Homemade Sandwich

  • Sliced bread
  • 2 cans of tuna
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 lettuce
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Mayonnaise
  • Green olives

Rinse the lettuce leaves very well and put them to dry on absorbent paper to remove the excess of water. Reserve it.

Next we will cut the red onion, the green olives without bone and the cucumber in thin slices.
Then spread the slices of bread with mayonnaise and on each slice of bread put some lettuce leaves without chopping, a thin layer of onion, a thin layer of cucumber, some chopped olives and shredded tuna. Add other leaves of lettuce and close with another slice of bread.

  • Recipe type
    Entrée / Appetizer
  • Characteristics
    For summer
  • Preparation Time
    10 minutes
  • Total Time
    10 minutes
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