Pasta with Fine Herbs Salad

  • 50 g of pasta
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 broccoli
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • Sweet corn
  • Oregano
  • Fine herbs
  • Black pepper
  • Salt

Boil the broccoli in water with salt and when it is ready, we drain it and soak it with fresh water. In that same liquid, we cook the pasta, and do the same when it is al dente. In a bowl, mix the broccoli and pepper cut into pieces, the cut carrot, the pasta, and a can of tuna in oil (previously drained).

At the same time we will prepare the sauce to dress the salad. Put in a bowl the olive oil, vinegar, salt, a pinch of oregano and fine herbs and beat well with a stick or a fork until the ingredients are perfectly integrated. Mix everything and dress it all with the vinaigrette sauce.

  • Recipe type
    Entrée / Appetizer
  • Characteristics
    For summer
  • Total Time
    45 minutes
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