- 500 g of cuttlefish
- 400 g of monkfish
- 1 egg
- 1 center of bread dipped in milk
- Garlic and parsley seasoning
- Black pepper
- 4 tablespoons of flour
- 1 onion
- 400 cc of fish broth
- 1 glass of white wine
- 1 dry red pepper
- 1 slice of fried bread
- 60 g of hazelnuts
- Olive oil
- Pink Salt
Chop the monkfish into very small pieces together with the legs and the burrs of the cuttlefish (reserve the body), mix the garlic and parsley seasoning together with the monkfish and the cuttlefish, and add the center of the bread soaked in milk, the egg, and a little flour if the dough is very soft. We also add a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper.
Give shape to the meatballs, cover them with flour and fry them in oil. Reserve them on a plate with absorbent paper.
Fry the dry red pepper (previously cut) in a casserole, trying not to burn it, and reserve it. Sauté the onion very chopped and add the body of the cuttlefish, cut into pieces, and the fried tomato. Sauté everything together and after a couple of minutes, add a little flour to thicken it and the white wine, letting evaporate the alcohol, and pour the fish broth, the meatballs and the dry red pepper that was reserved. Let it simmer for 15 minutes.
Next, in a mortar, grind the toasted hazelnuts, the garlic and parsley seasoning and the fried bread until it becomes a paste that we will add to the casserole. Boil for 15 minutes more and it will be ready to serve.

Recipe typeMain course
Total Time60 minutes