Food service spices

We have a large catalog of formats designed for the Food service. Practical and ergonomic, adapted to the needs of companies.
Title Net weight Sort descending Format
Coriander leaf 100g Coriander leaf 100g 100g 750ML View details
Whole Cayenne pepper 100g (PET 750ML) Whole Cayenne pepper 100g 100g 750ML View details
Tarragon leaf 100g Tarragon leaf 100g 100g 750ML View details
Bay leaf 100g Bay leaf 100g 100g 1600ML View details
Mint leaf 100g Mint leaf 100g 100g 1600ML View details
Parsley leaf 100g Parsley leaf 100g 100g 1600ML View details
Mushrooms (Craterellus Cornucopiodes) 100g Mushrooms (Craterellus cornucopioides) 100g 100g 1600ML View details
Pebrella leaf 110g Pebrella leaf 110g 110g 750ML View details
Sugared vanillin 900g Sugared vanillin 1300g 1300g 1600ML View details
Basil leaf 140g (PET 750ML) Basil leaf 140g 140g 750ML View details
Provence herbs seasoning 140g Provence herbs seasoning 140g 140g 750ML View details
Oregano leaf 140g Oregano leaf 140g 140g 1600ML View details
Garlic - Parsley seasoning 150g Garlic - Parsley seasoning 150g 150g 580ML View details
Cinnamon stick 150g Cinnamon stick 150g 150g 750ML View details
Chimichurri seasoning 150g Chimichurri 150g 150g 750ML View details
Onion flakes 150g Onion flakes 150g 150g 750ML View details
Fine herbs seasoning 150g Fine herbs seasoning 150g 150g 750ML View details
Rosemary leaf 150g Rosemary leaf 150g 150g 750ML View details
Mushrooms mix 150g Mushrooms mix 150g 150g 1600ML View details
Ceps (Boletus edulis) 150g Ceps (Boletus edulis) 150g 150g F170 Plastic bag View details
Moixernons (Marasmius oreades) 150g Moixernons (Marasmius oreades) 150g 150g F170 Plastic bag View details
Star anise grain 160g Star anise grain 160g 160g 750ML View details
Dill leaf 160g Dill leaf 160g 160g 750ML View details
Thyme leaf 160g Thyme leaf 160g 160g 750ML View details

Spices for cocktails

Giant grinders

Giant grinders


Premium Grinders

Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt

Gluten free

Special celiacs

World flavor

Flavors of the world!

Food service